Herbal Spa

Kusinara Wellness has developed a unique treatment and rejuvenation regimes for spa and related therapies.

Kusinara Herbal Spa is a unique combination of Ayurveda, Herbals and Spa retreats.We use essential herbal oils and medicated herbal product to give our clients a unique healthier experience.

This includes various massage techniques, different types of skin n hair regimes which will boost your skin n hair immunity,glow and it will nourish them n your mind inside out.

In this stressful day to day life Kusinara Herbal Spa serves and fulfill all the need of our mind-body and soul.

Our spa regimes are completely customize because we treat every individual differently.As per the principles of Ayurveda every individuals body type is different. Biological constitution (Prakriti) is the base of the regime and seasonal and physiological variations are also there.

If you are seeking for Spa therapies, we are just a click away. Kusinara therapy is available at different centers. You can chose your nearby options.

Just fill up this form and we will do the all needful.

Be calm, relax we are coming for giving you back your charm and solace!



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